Fundraising Track

Fundraising Track

School at Sea is a substantial financial investment. Yet joining us is available to everyone, because of our Fundraising Track.

A large sum… but you can do it!

Joining School at Sea is not cheap. But you don’t need rich parents or a trust fund to pay for you. School at Sea thinks it is important for every candidate to gather the necessary funds themselves. We give you the tools to do this during the Fundraising Track and that makes joining School at Sea a possibility for everyone.

The Fundraising Track not only helps you to prepare financially for the journey ahead, but also mentally. You are required to take action and accept responsibility for those actions. So the Fundraising Track is a personal development programme all on its own!

The Fundraising Track prepares you financially, but also mentally.

Overview of the Fundraising Track

The Fundraising Track is a personal development programma in its own right. You will learn tips and tricks when it comes to gathering funds and getting sponsors, enabling you to pay for School at Sea yourself. On the other hand you will also learn a lot about yourself and the other candidates.


The Fundraising Traject starts with several training sessions. In these sessions you will learn a lot about everything involved in gathering funds.

This starts with learning a few tools that will provide you with positivity, appeal to your ability to take responsibility for your own actions and help you to deal with setbacks. Thay way, you can start your fundraising with confidence. It is also a good way to prepare for your stay on board, because we will continue to use these tools during the journey,

You will also learn how you can use your own personal talents to inspire others en you will develop skills that are very useful outside of School at Sea. Some of these include talking about your own motivation, presentation skills, networking capabilities and making an elevator pitch.

The Fundraising Track was developed together with experienced coach and trainer Brenda Sarbach. We continually evaluate and improve the Track in order to support you in gathering the necessary funds.


After the first three training sessions, you will start with your own plans. But you are not completely on your own! You are supported by your fellow candidates and School at Sea will set you up with your very own coach to support you in your process.

These coaches are mostly former School at Sea participants or their parents. They know what you are going through and know what you have to accomplish. They gladly share their experience and knowledge in order to find out what works for you and what doesn’t. Together, you will expand and improve on your ideas.

Your own ideas, because you will talk about your plans and your actions. Your coach is your sounding board, someone to brainstorm with who will help you and support you. But they will not do it for you. That’s exactly what School at Sea values and how we expect you to act and behave on board.

Meet up

After three training sessions, you will start you fundraising track. Maybe you will experience some successes or setback or both. During the fourth meet up, you will discuss these with the rest of the group. That way, you can learn from the successes and mistakes of others.

To provide extra support, we will invite some former School at Sea students to share what they did to gather funds, what problems they encountered and how they overcame those problems.

There will also be a presentation workshop that provides you with a lot of useful tips to help you “sell” your story and motivation. Literally! Because getting sponsors means selling them on your ideas and convincing other people to invest in you and your ideas.

After this day, you will have new ideas and fresh motivation to continue your Fundraising Track.

Do it yourself, but also together

After four sessions, you are ready. Together with your coach and maybe other candidates, you set out to improve and expand your actions within and outside your own network. Maybe you will do an activity with another candidate from your group. Maybe you will reach out to big corporations, or maybe you will host a local lottery in your hometown.

Whatever your idea, just go for it! Regular evaluation, for example with the help of your coach, will help you realise what works for you and what doesn’t.

En if you feel like nothing works, you can always contact School at Sea for more suggestions. We remain available for you and will support you with examples and videos from former participants.

School at Sea-fund

Sometimes you did everything you could, but still didn’t manage to collect all of the funds. We know that effort and result don’t always match. In that case, you might be eligible for a scholarship from the School at Sea-fund to help you realise your dream

Register now!

The Fundraising Track costs € 250,-. This include training material, the sessions and personal support from a School at Sea-coach. We have several Fundraising Tracks each year, starting at different moments in the year.

Select the dates that work best for you and register now. Don’t wait too long, the sooner you start your Fundraising Track, the bigger the chances of succesfully collecting enough funds for your School at Sea journey!

Fundraising Track dates

The dates for the first sessions for School at Sea 2024-2025 are published below. You can register for the Tracks here. All sessions take place in Amsterdam and your attendance is expected for each of them.

Track 1:

14 May 11:00 – 16:00 uur (also for parents)
4 June 11:00 – 16:00 uur
18 June 12:30 – 16:00 uur
24 September 11:00 – 16:00 uur

Track 2 & 3:

Dates not yet published

For School at Sea 2025-2026 the Tracks will start in the spring of 2024. Dates will be published here once the sessions are planned.

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