

At every stop, you will learn more about the country during expeditions and excursions. You will explore the unique nature and culture of the countries you visit.

Expeditions and SaS-projects

Going ashore! Guided by our time or local guides, you will go on various impressive hikes, like climbing El Teide on Tenerife or through the jungles of Dominica to the Boiling Lake. Along the way, you will learn more about the nature and geography all around you.

School at Sea students are not tourists! Using our own School at Sea projects, you will learn about the history or geography of the places you visit or we will ask you to take a certain perspective when discussing aspects of society. You are encouraged to think about what you see and how you feel about that. Because learning about others is a valuable aspect of personal growth.

Freetime and independent journeys

During free time you are allowed to go out in groups of at least three people. What you do is up to you (as long as you stick to our rules).

Will you go full tourist and visit all the tourist traps and souvenir shops? Will you have lunch in a quaint little local restaurant or visit the local branch of the well known fast food chain that we also have at home? Go to the beach or the mall? Try to ask something in Spanish or rely on Google Translate?

During free time, you decide how to experience the place where you are.

Twice, you will have a week long trip in small groups. This will be in Panama and Cuba. The only thing that we decide, is the budget and the return date. Everything else, like how you travel, where you go, where you sleep and what you eat, is up to you as a group. A teacher or crew member accompanies you to ensure your safety, but are instructed to take a very passive role.

You will have to look after yourself and take care or each other. This is all about being able to be independent, but also about cooperation. This challenges you to learn more about yourself. How do you deal with setbacks? Are you able to assume a leading role in the moments it matters? Who takes responsibility for what?


During exchanges, you will meet young people your age. You visit their school and they visit us on board. You organise this yourself! What do you want foreign students to experience? You brainstorm about the programme and plan the entire day.